+63 917 704 6664

If GUE itself needs an introduction for you, let's keep it simple here and say that Global Underwater Explorers is a non profit committed to diver education, and to exploration, conservation and scientific projects. Training is intended to help divers participate in the range of […]

Suex And The Five Year Warranty

In 2022 Suex took the bold step of announcing a five year (5 For You) warranty program on the their DPV's. For a while we were wondering how it would be applied but the clarification came to us straight from the CEO, Alessandro Fenu, at […]

Ghost Diving Southeast Asia Team's Pioneer Mindoro Project

  Ghost Diving Southeast Asia Team's Pioneer Mindoro Project    Ghost Diving Southeast Asia is the newest international chapter of Ghost Diving , a registered charity founded in 2012 by technical divers specializing in removing lost fishing gear and other marine debris.  They hyperfocus on physically […]

Gpacers Diver Rescue System

    One of the worst feelings a diver can have...Surfacing with land almost not in sight, the boat the size of a pin head on the horizon, and the sun going down behind you so you know it's shining in the Captains eyes. and […]


During this clip from the Deco Mix Podcast, Andy, Andrew and Dave take a look at the survey map of the Kasili System and the characteristics of the cave.  Andy Baumgartner and Andrew Couch host the podcast and are partners in Third Dimension Diving in Tulum, […]