Scuba fins are relatively simple objects, and as such difficult to improve. As a working diver, I keep seeing the same handful of makes and models being used by divers from all over the world, with little change over the years.When innovations are made, they tend to be a little gimmicky. Split fins and spring-loaded models, such as Scubapro’s Seawing range, cater to recreational divers who mostly flutter or scissor kick. More radical designs like Force Fins require divers to completely change their technique, which makes them a niche product at best.Not so the Vector Pros. To my mind at least, Halcyon has accomplished something remarkable with these fins: They took a product that was simple and good to begin with and made it better without sacrificing any of the simplicity.Whether or not the difference in performance is worth the hefty price tag remains of course up to the individual. I certainly wouldn’t mind having a pair of Vector Pros in my crate – better is the enemy of good, after all.With this, I would ask you to excuse me – I have to go and find 400 dollars in the crack of someone else’s sofa.Note : This article is reposted from Tim Bloemekes personal Blog. More of his work can be found at https://timblmk.com/blog/